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Online sentiment analysis for current events, companies, products, and people!

In-depth reports

Companies and agencies can order in-depth reports monitoring online image of an entity - a company, a product, or an individual. Our intelligent crawlers process large amounts of various Web sources - blogs, news sites, forums. The reports are produced on an ongoing basis and emailed to the client.

The reports are broken by day/week/month, and contain current and trend charts, key concepts associated with the topic, and references to source documents. The client can specify preferred Web sources that should be monitored and covered in the reports.

Sentiment API

Sentiment API allows client applications to assess sentiment on a Web page or a piece of text, e.g. a blog comment. The API is deployed in a computing cloud. Inquire about a trial.


Typical consumers of these reports are PR or IR agencies, or businesses that want to monitor reputation or brand image of their company, products, or competitors. Both the sentiment and the issues that investors or consumers associate with the topic are presented on the reports.

For traders and hedge funds, we can produce real-time sentiment reports monitoring market-related sources.

Do you want sentiment analysis to be displayed on your website? We can create a custom feed for you.


Reports are generated in PDF format. Raw data may also be available upon request. The schedule of email delivery can be set according to the client's preferences. The content and look & feel of the reports can also be customized according to the client's preferences.

Using the "Contact us" form below, send us a business inquiry describing your need. We will get back to you with specific solution for your case and pricing.

OpinionCrawl.com allows visitors to assess Web sentiment on a subject - a person, an event, a company or product. You can enter a subject and get an ad-hoc sentiment assessment of it. For each topic you get a pie chart expressing current real-time sentiment, a list of the latest news headlines, a few recent thumbnail images, and a tag cloud of key semantic concepts that the public associates with the subject. The concepts allow you to see what issues or events drive the sentiment in a positive or negative way.

Ad-hoc or in-depth sentiment?

The ad-hoc sentiment is calculated on a small number of recent news items. It reflects the latest news on a subject, and fluctuates frequently as the new developments occur. If you want to look at the sentiment trend or get a more in-depth assessment, go to the blog section of the site: opinioncrawl.net. All posts in the blog are generated automatically and updated daily. Our Web crawlers find the latest pages on many popular subjects or current public issues, and calculate sentiment for them on an ongoing basis. The blog posts show the trend of sentiment over time, as well as Positive-to-Negative ratio.

The cloud

Watching the cloud of concepts over time, you can see the change in the issues and key topics that the Web public associates with the subject, and how it affects the sentiment. The concepts are mined from the Web pages using our semantic engine SenseBot.

How we measure the sentiment:

Let's say you are looking for a sentiment on New York. Instead of just calculating the number of statements like "I love NY" or "I hate NY", we assess an overall sentiment towards the subject. In case of New York, we would take into account major events that affect people's feelings about it - political events, crime, celebrity sightings, and everything else. So the sentiment is covering the subject broadly. Even a horrible event like an earthquake can display a measure of positive sentiment reflecting the success of relief efforts.

In our commercial work we can also generate reports on more specific aspects of a subject.

Sentiment API is now available! The API allows client applications to assess sentiment on a Web page or a piece of text, e.g. a blog comment. The API is deployed in a computing cloud. Inquire about a trial.

Opinion Crawl is produced by Semantic Engines, a private company located in New York city.

We use proprietary techniques of text mining, semantic analysis, and sentiment analysis. We have many years of experience in these fields. Please take a look at other tools produced by us:

SenseBot - semantic search engine

API - a set of REST services for developers

If you are interested in our expertise in the fields of semantic technology or NLP, including a sentiment dictionary, please send us a business proposal via the "Contact us" form below.

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